Ilyichevsk Shiprepair Yard Ltd.
Ilyichevsk Shiprepair Yard Ltd.

ILYICHEVSK SHIPREPAIR YARD was established in 1951 in the convenient harbour of Sukhoi Estuary (the northwestern Black Sea). It has favorable location: close to Ilyichevsk Sea port and about 20 km from Odessa. Besides, ships calling at Ilyichevsk in winter have the additional benefit of mild climatic conditions here.

Since its foundation the shipyard has focused on repair of ships of all types using advancing technologies. In 2006 the company changed form of ownership and became a private one. These changes together with entry of Ilyichevsk Shipyard into the world market of shiprepair have mobilized a comprehensive modernization of its production facilities.

Long-term plans provide further improvement of the yard to remain up-to-date enterprise competitive to domestic shipyards and leading shipyards round the world as well. Ambitious investment plans are aimed to meet the challenges arising from the changing conditions in the world shipping market.

Nowadays the company is capable to repair all types of ships including Panamax size and technically advanced types of vessels such as car carriers, ro-ro, ferries, handymax product tankers, multipurpose vessels and container carriers. .

Shipyard's basic activities:


  • repair and renewal of steel constructions
  • conversion work
  • repair of hatch covers/renewal
  • ultrasonic thickness measurements

Hull treatment

  • high pressure fresh water cleaning, scraping and wire -brushing
  • gritblasting up to SA 2,5 and painting of shell plating, decks and holds
  • ballast and cargo tanks blasting/painting

Docking works

  • sterntube seals renewal, tailshaft withdrawal for survey
  • repair of propulsion units including units with CPP
  • overhauling/repair of sea valves of all ship's systems
  • repair of steering gears
  • repair of propellers
  • recondition of Chrome liners for simplex seals

Machinery and piping

  • repair of main and auxiliary diesels and turbine plants
  • repair of all types of pumps and compressors
  • repair of turbocharges
  • repair of refrigerating plants
  • repair of main and auxiliary boilers
  • recondition of vessel?s spare parts for ME and DG
  • renewal and repair of pipelines
  • renewal and repair of cable lines

Navigation and electrical equipment

  • repair of electrical equipment and motors
  • repair of radio equipment
  • repair of electronic equipment

Repairs onboard

  • Various repairs on vessels during loading operations in ports of Ilyichevsk and Odessa
Type Length [m] Breadth [m] DWT Capacity [Tons] Lifting Capacity [Tons] Crane [Tons] Notes
F/D 225.0 36.6 - 20,000 2 x 15T -
F/D 225.0 36.6 - 20,000 2 x 15T -
F/D 90.9 23.5 - 4,000 2 x 5T -
Wharf Length [m] Draft [m] Capacity [Tons] Cranes [Tons] Notes
12 total 2600 total - 30T & 50T 8 -
Shipyard Location
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